About Me

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I first started writing whilst doing an access course in 2005, completing an advanced higher. From there I went to study for a BA in Humanities & Social Science at Edinburgh University studying mostly History (favorite being Social History). Graduated in 2010 with a UG Diploma. Having completed 3 years with the open university studying Creative writing and Children's Literature, I graduated in 2014 with a BA Honours degree. In 2012, 'The Letter' was published in Flash Fiction World Vol 1. As a keen photographer I am currently working on a compilation of flash fiction using my own photos as prompts. Thanks for stopping by xxx please leave me a comment, all are appreciated, come on!! say Hi, stay a while and have some cake!!!xx

Friday, 13 September 2013

September Flash A Day: Day 11....THE TOUCH

©David Vale


Cool silent rippling trickle
fingers meander and sway
dangle overboard with eyes
closed dreaming of
distant days of echoing memories
arches cast shadow from
the golden orb that
warm a dream language
defined by cupids
letters I memorized
beneath the bridge I
wished away at the touch
of your hand in mine

©Mills Laine

September Flash A Day: Day 10...FOR THE ATTENTION OF...

© Cassie Tillett

13 September 2013

Miss Johnson
I know putting you on the window display rota in only your second week of working for Kimonos-R-Us, may have seemed a little ambitious. This decision was based on your extensive references in this department from some of the top named retail outlets from around the world.  It has come to my attention that on the morning of September 10th not only had you placed yourself within the display but also you were completely naked. Your supervisor June has indicated to me that you had applied to go on the television show ‘How to Look Good Naked’. I myself have not seen the show but my wife assures me it is a brave thing for you to have done, for this I congratulate you.
However, following this morning’s visit from the local constabulary and being issued with a large fine for indecent exposure.  I am afraid you’re fired!!

Mr Jones
(Owner & Manager) 

©Mills Laine

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

September Flash A Day: Day 9: EDIBLE MEMORY

© Cassie Tillett


Cupcakes on an open stand      
creamy frosting
sponge a crumbling 
creative decorations
they’re resting on my special plate
lips smacking
flavour longing
lasting memories
now sitting in my fulfilled belly
gone but not forgotten

©Mills Laine

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

September Flash A Day: Day 8: IDENTITY CRISIS

© Cassie Tillett


A saxophone sounded
is brass
not brass
the metal I'm made
of played with
a reed
a woodwind
didgeridoo bellows
is wood really
brass in season
when lips force
a rasp unseen
on the bandstand

©Mills Laine

Saturday, 7 September 2013

September Flash A Day: Day 7: INVISIBLE

© David Vale


They do not see me
blurred figures
in my eye standing drowning
in the rain
still they do not see me
huddled together in
the face of the night
chilled multi-colour fill
the scene with golden warmth
but still they do not see me
souvenirs placed in
lonely companionship
the hard stone razar my
bottomless soles
and still they do not see me
silent screams leave swirling
blended within the
evenings bell-song
a caring comrade rings
the turning of life
yet still they do not see me
rested on cobbles old
rain droplets dilute
crimson ripples dance
in my eye lying dying
only now do they see me

©Mills Laine

Friday, 6 September 2013

September Flash A Day: Day 6: THE TREE

© David Vale


She waits for me warmed
caressed by the sun
in mockled shadows
soft skin rests on
moistened pillows
of velvet moss
closed eyes awaken
long lost memories dancing
with fragrant breaths
of flowers in her hair
time becomes a distant friend familiar
she waits for me there

©Mills Laine

September Flash A Day: Day 5: PAINT

© David Vale

Sid arrived earlier for work than normal, the place was silent.  The years of doing the repetitive job had taken its toll. The cracks on the tiled floor mimicked the ones on his face. The paint on the ceiling looked like his sun-weathered arms. Night after night he came to the arcade and set up his tools of the trade. He was a young man when he started here; fresh faced, clean and youthful. These days he felt the years. Walking down the gallery he gazed at the evening stars through the arches. He would miss this place, the peace. He looked at the walls and sighed, it was only yesterday he had made them good as new.  It had been an endless fight to keep the paint fresh. Each time he came, someone else came later. Each time he painted, someone else painted over it. It had been the council who decided the arcade would be closed off to stop the graffiti. Sid would be out of a job, but for tonight  it was safe. He reached down, chose his colour and  in large liquid like motions sprayed 'Sid was here'.

©Mills Laine

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

September Flash A Day: Day 4... FRIENDSHIP

© Cassie Tillett


He only wanted a door of his own
In the corner way out of sight
He'd pop in and out at his own free will
In the morning n last thing at night

His tapping was only a very small sound
Not one that could be heard from afar
Usually the little old lady from flat one
Would leave the door slightly ajar

He’d squatter beneath the stairwell
She’d leave nibbles for him on the ground
He’d coo in response to her speaking
She’d smile at the friend she had found

But today the door remains fastened
And her curtains still remain closed
He coos n taps as loud as he could
For his friend that no one else knows

When the door opens they pass him
No one but her really cared
About the birdie that sat in the corner
Of the doorstep that all of them shared

©Mills Laine

Monday, 2 September 2013

September Flash A Day. Day 3: CASTING PROTECTION



Anthony thought I was mad the day I came home with the umbrella, a large colourful striped one that sat neatly in a hole in my cart. For years I had worked this spot. Shadowed under the tall apartment buildings on either side where the sun rarely reaches the ground. The wind gusts down Long Lane and flicks up the papers on sale, I use a peg to secure them. On Monday the chatter of women echoes above my head followed by the un-oiled squeaks from the pulleys. Lifting the tines of the umbrella to its full height it casts a shield over my wares. Anthony looked puzzled at me.

‘It’s to finally protect the paper’ I said

‘Protect it from what’ asked Anthony

Drip, drip, drip

‘Washing day’ I sighed

September Flash A Day. Day 2: TRADITION

© Cassie Tillitt


It had become a repeated ritual
the Saturday 10am start
 four old friends shared
and laughed at the memories
of this continuing  thirty years part

They chose to meet on the corner
buy papers  from  'ye olde tuck shop'
a quick skip and
a swing passed the bakers
for  a sausage n brown sauce filled cob

They parked themselves down
by the harbour
 on the bench that sat at the head
these days it seemed a bit smaller
the curse of the middle age spread

They smiled n chat while
they waited
for the sight they had come down to see
the water lay still like a mirror
conditions the best they could be

Sitting forward, Bob shouted
‘they’re coming
I  see the ripple that’s made by the oar
highlight of my week is this passing
by the women’s cox-less four’

©Mills Laine

Sunday, 1 September 2013

September flash a day....Day 1: RETIREMENT



John picked up the ride token before it escaped through the gap in the pier floor.
‘I’ll save that’ he thought, as he popped it into his pocket.
He loved looking through the slats to the undulating waves beneath, lit by the multi-coloured lights that adorned the pleasure park. This was his favourite time, closing time. The smell of burgers and candy-floss still hung in the air. The latest songs echoed around the empty rides. Chip papers floated on the cool sea breeze. For forty years he had walked the pier, the gate keys hanging idly from a chain on his belt. Tonight was to be his last, unsure of what the future held for him away from here. He slipped the large clanking chain through the gates and fixed the lock, shaking it, just to make sure!  Reaching up he twisted the bulb in the light that illuminates the entrance sign till it flickered on. Standing back he read the newly pasted poster.

©Mills Laine